Earlier this week a student came into the library to work on an experimental video project for an art class he is taking with Jacek J. Kolasinski, a New-Media artist and Assistant Professor of Visual Arts in the Art and Art History Department at Florida International University. This student was interested in the propaganda posters designed by the various protagonists of the Second World War. Although the library holds many rare and reference books on the subject and a good number of original broadsides from this era, the vast majority of posters are housed in a separate Works on Paper department. The student, however, did not go away disappointed.
One particular item in the library collection that caught his eye was a rare sheet of 50 stickers created by Artists for Victory, Inc. and produced and distributed by Ever Ready Label Corporation in 1943. These miniatures were marketed as “faithful reproductions of the original posters.” Patriotic consumers were urged to “fight on the home front” by affixing the stickers on all of their correspondence. Here are the miniature poster stamps. Send me your vote as to which one of the fifty stickers moves you most, or post your own favorite contemporary propaganda image.
I like the one with the fist smashing through the swastika. Reminds me of the latest Quentin Tarantino film, Inglorious Bastards.